Methanol engine retrofit solutions (WP1)
Work Package 1 mission is to provide turnkey methanol conversion kits as a retrofit solution for high speed and medium speed diesel engines (200kW-4000kW).

Harbour tug demo (WP2)
Work Package 2 mission is the complete conversion of a harbour tug (owned by PoA) for methanol/MGO dual-fuel operation incl. set up of supply chain and training of crew.

Pilot boat demo (WP3)
Work Package 3 mission is to demonstrate methanol as a fuel for use in a smaller marine application for a longer period during true operational conditions.

Coast guard vessel demo (WP4)
Work Package 2 mission is the complete conversion of a harbour tug (owned by PoA) for methanol/MGO dual-fuel operation incl. set up of supply chain and training of crew.

Methanol river cruise ship conversion concept (WP5)
Work Package 5 mission is to develop the conversion concept for a River Cruise Ship for a fuel change from diesel to a methanol-driven propulsion system.

Next generation methanol engines (WP6)
Work Package 6 mission is to develop the next generation of methanol engines, that fully exploit methanol’s beneficial properties as an engine fuel, for increased efficiency and even lower emissions.

Fuel logistics, standards, safety and traning (WP7)
Work Package 7 mission is to investigate & analyse the supply and fuel quality requirements for methanol fueled vessels, and to assess and make recommendations on safety, regulations, and training requirements.

Business models and dissemination (WP8)
WWork Package 8 mission is to achieve best coverage of the marine world and the wider public on the advantages of methanol as a clean fuel.